Bypass survey download [Complete a survey to unlock this page]

Bypass survey download [Complete a survey to unlock this page] - If you ever faced this annoying popup before, you could bypass it. Keep your distances !! :)

Here example of "annoying" survey i meant "Complete a survey to unlock this page" :

The real and easy situation is,we only need to highlight and copy the URL behind the "frames" but it disabled by survey window.

So, right click at screen(in Firefox,not in survey box) and select "View Page Source" or you can press Ctrl+U. It will open you a page source code. Search and see the following "line" as example=(picture I provided below)

Click that "link" and it will bring you another source code window. This also can be done by highlight and copy that "link". (in this case,I click on that link)

It show the source code containing the URL I need. After few practice, this can be done by 3 secs. (I heard a rumors that surveys is possibly harmful. So better avoid it)

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