List of Online Regex Tester

List of Online Regex Tester

List of Online Regex Tester - what is regex? and what is the fuction of regex in programming? Today Paper 4Share share a little knowladge about regex.

About Regex

The long name of regex is Regular Expression it a technique for matching a string in a strings. For example we can use a regex technique for mathcing a specific characters, words, and the word with specific patterns.

Regex has implemented in many programming language like PHP, CPP, C#, JAVASCRIPT, etc. Using regex, programmers will be easy to solve the problems based on text string. For example like the text below

Example text string:
Edit the Expression & Text to see matches. Roll over matches or the expression for details. Undo mistakes with ctrl-z. Save Favorites & Share expressions with friends or the Community. Explore your results with Tools. A full Reference & Help is available in the Library, or watch the video Tutorial. paper 4share
Based on the text string above, we just need a words with a capital letter at the beginning of the word. So the pattern of the regex needed is below.

Pattern Regex:
Using it pattern you will get all the words with a capital letter at the begingging of the word.

List of Free Online Regex Tester

  1. RegEkr: Learn, Build & Test RegEx.
  2. Regex Tester - Javascript, PCRE, PHP.
  3. Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE.
  4. .NET Regex Tester - Regex Storm.
  6. RegexPlanet: online regular expression testing for Java.
Okay, above is list of online tester. You can choose one of the tester above for your experiment. If you have questions about regex (regular expression), you can leave the comment below. Thanks for your visit.

Paper 4Share - List of Online Regex Tester

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