Xtreme Download Manager (XDM) for Ubuntu / Mint / Kali Linux / Debian based Linux

Xtreme Download Manager (XDM) for Ubuntu / Mint / Kali Linux / Debian based Linux - XDM is like with IDM (a Download Manager just for Windows). XDM is a software downloader working on Windows or Linux. xmd is very very like IDM, but this software are small resource.

This is a some features of XDM :
  • Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP Protocols with Authentication, Proxy Server, etc.
  • Download file at maximum speed up to 5 times faster.
  • Resumable download.
  • Can be integrated with any browser (Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Opera, etc).
  • Can be downloading video from portal videos like Youtube, MySpaceTV, etc.
  • Available portable version.
XDM seamlessly integrates with Firefox on any operating system. With every new version of firefox, it automatically updates with XDM manager. XDM also integrates with any other browser to handle downloads automatically using Advanced browser integration. Xtreme Download Manager is entirely written in Java, so it runs on any Operating System without even being installed. All you have to do is to install Java JRE environment on your system. The usage instructions are enlisted below in this post, so follow the steps and you are good to go to use this manager on your system.

Installation Xtreme Download Manager

Okay, Paper 4Share will explain how to install XDM on Ubuntu / Mint / Kali Linux / Debian based Linux :

1. Before beginning the installation of XDM on your system, first you have to check weather java is installed on your Ubuntu system. To check weather java installed on your system, type this command on your terminal.
If you already installed java on your system, then it will show you java files installed on your system, so you can following the second step.. If you haven’t installed java on your system, then the above command will show you the name of java packages that you can install on your system, so follow a command below for install it.
sudo apt-get install default-jre
2. Download a deb file on http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdman/files/. And than choose xdman.deb 

3. After you are downloading the deb file. Open your Terminal or press (Ctrl Shift T).

4. Change your directory active to the directory of xdman.deb file.
For example, the directory of xdman.deb file on /home/paper4share/Download.
cd /home/paper4share/Download
5. Okay, and than install that package
sudo dpkg -i xdman.deb

Setup Xtreme Download Manager integration for browsers

After that installation finish. The final step is setup xdm for integrated on your browsers.
For Firefox: Install xdman extension, first run xdman then enter this url in browser:
For Google Chrome / other browsers: Go to System Settings > Network > Network Proxy > Select Automatic in Method  and paste following line in configuration URL.
Enjoy it !!


Paper 4Share -  Xtreme Download Manager (XDM) for Ubuntu / Mint / Kali Linux / Debian based Linux

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