Open / Ekstract RAR within Linux

Linux is an Operating System bassed Open Source. Usually, the distro of linux is haven't Ekstracting RAR tool. If you one of  Linux Users so will be trouble when you ekstracting a RAR Files. So, this is an article how to Ekstracting a RAR Files.

First, installing unrar tools. 
  • For UBUNTU,
apt-get install unrar
  •  For REDHAT,
yum install unrar
Second, after  installing it is successfully. Now, you can ekstracting RAR Files using command below
~$ unrar file.rar
For Example, The name of your RAR File is paperforshare.rar. So look at below.
~$ unrar paperforshare.rar
Okay, it is a procedure to Ekstracting RAR File within Linux.
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