[SOLVED] 4 Step How to Install Broadcom Wireless Linux Ubuntu

[SOLVED] How to Install Broadcom Wireless Linux - usually the broadcom wireless was broken or error after you are upgrade ubuntu, updare kernel, or etc. So, here I'm will explain how to repait it.

First, for install broadcom wireless linux ubuntu, use LAN cable for getting internet access.

Second, open your terminal and type the following this command
 sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source
Third, to install broadcom wireless linux ubuntu, type this command
 sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source
Remove the module before
 sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl
After it, you can enable the module. I recommend using wl module, and than type this command
sudo modprobe wl
And than restart you PC. If this way are not working, you can following this tutorial in http://paperforshare.blogspot.com/2014/05/install-broadcom-bcm4311-wireless-on.html

Source : here

Paper 4Share - [SOLVED] How to Install Broadcom Wireless Linux Ubuntu

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