C++ Input - The last lesson, wriiter has sharing how to
Printing Text C++ Using COUT Syntax [Basic Lesson]. And than now wriiter will explain the concept of C++ Input. Before explaining concept, you must have kwonlagde about
Data Type in C Programming.
Basic concept of
C++Input is :
- User inserting a value
- The value will saved in variable
Know you can analize the concept. Below is the example of input and output a value.
using namespace std;
int main()
int a;
cout<<"Insert Your Age : ";
cout<<"Your Age is "<<a;
After compiled and run. The print out of it is at below
Below the explain of syntax :
cin>>a is use to inserting a value form keyboard to the variable.
For other syntax, you can read in
Printing Text C++ Using COUT Syntax [Basic Lesson] article.
Its a simple example of
C++ Input. For other example, you can download
Paper 4Share -
C++ Input
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